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OPEC: Oil and gas are indispensable, the world cannot run on renewable energy and electric vehicles alone

OPEC Secretary-General Haitham Al Ghais said that supporters of critical minerals believe that the world runs entirely on renewable energy and electric vehicles, but their assessment of the necessary investment and speed of energy transition sounds unrealistic and does not consider the full picture.

Policymakers and forecasters, as well as advocates of a rapid energy transition, need to carefully consider whether the required investment and supply of critical minerals are feasible under their net zero scenarios, Al Ghais wrote in an article published on OPEC's website on Monday.

Mining projects to extract critical minerals take a long time from discovery to first production.

In addition, critical mineral mining is also an energy-intensive activity that currently relies mainly on hydrocarbons. Otherwise it won’t work,” the senior OPEC official wrote.

Coal and natural gas are essential to the processing of key mineral feedstocks into battery-grade products that can be used in clean energy and electric vehicles.

“Petroleum-based products are also used in excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks on site, and in all forms of transportation to move minerals from supply centers to demand centers,” Al Ghais said.

Petroleum products and other fossil fuels are also used to produce solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles.

“The oil industry, renewable energy and electric vehicles are not separate from each other. They do not work in isolation.” OPEC reiterated its position that oil and gas cannot be removed from the global energy system and simply replaced with electric vehicles, solar and wind power plants.

“Is it realistic that renewable energy alone can meet the expected electricity expansion? Especially considering that the world has invested more than $9.5 trillion in ‘transition’ over the past 20 years, but wind and solar still account for less than 4% of global energy, while the total global penetration of electric vehicles is between 2% and 3%,” Al Ghais wrote. ”

Last month, Al Ghais said peak oil demand has not yet occurred, slamming the International Energy Agency's forecast that global oil demand will peak before 2030.

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